Sunday 1 June 2014

Cook With Me: Claypot Chicken Rice

  1. Rice (washed and soaked for about 15 mins)........1 cup
  2. Water...................................................................2 cups
  3. Chicken, chopped................................................250g
  4. Button Mushrooms ..............................................100 g (optional)
  5. Dark soy sauce.....................................................2 tsp
  6. Oyster sauce.........................................................2 tbsp
  7. Light soy sauce......................................................3 tbsp (optional)
  8. Ginger....................................................................2 knobs (about the size of two thumbs)
  9. Salt to taste
1. Make ginger juice by grating ginger into a bowl of two tablespoons of water. Roughly squeeze the juice out leaving the fibre.


2. Marinade chopped chicken with ginger juice, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce and oyster
sauce for about 10 minutes.

3. Put water to boil in a pan, if you have a clay pot, nothing like it. I used an aluminum saucepan.
4. When water comes to a boil, add the drained rice, mushrooms and chicken to the pan.

5. when the water is halfway dry, cover half the pan and reduce heat. Let it simmer. Don't cover it completely, or else the water will rise and spill out from the sides!

6. When the water is almost dry, close the rice cooker lid completely and continue cooking for at least 5 minutes, till the water is completely dry..

7. Let it stand for about 10 minutes, to ensure that the chicken is cooked thoroughly.

8. Mix the chicken, mushroom and rice together. The rice will become brown from the soy marinade

9. Serve hot with spring onions, lemon wedges and green chillies.

This makes an excellent tiffin for school or office lunch. You can even add vegetables like capsicum, broccoli, carrots etc, when in season,  to increase its nutritional punch!!

Try it and tell me how you liked it!

Suggest twists to this recipe too!

Hoping to hear from you................

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